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Why is it important for brands to maintain a presence on Twitter (X)?
For businesses and brands, X / Twitter is a platform for advertising, promotion, and social media marketing. It enables brands to interact directly with users, build brand reputation, participate in real-time events and trends, and increase brand exposure.
For Web3 projects, X / Twitter continues the advantages of Web2 and can be used to promote projects. It helps brands establish reputation and attract consumers within the crypto community, making it easy to engage in relevant conversations and discussions in real-time.
What are the advantages of Twitter (X)?
Diverse Audience
Twitter/X boasts a global and diverse audience, encompassing users of different ages, backgrounds, and interests. It allows brands to establish visibility and resonance within a relatively broad audience.
Real-Time Engagement
Its real-time nature enables users to swiftly engage in ongoing major events, serving as a hub for firsthand information dissemination.
Trend Participation
It offers easy participation in current trending topics, news, or event discussions. Brands can share their perspectives and gain recognition in high-traffic data discussions.
Direct Interaction
Brands and users can engage in immediate interactions and conversations, responding to each other's viewpoints. This fosters authentic social environments and fosters more intimate two-way interaction.
Viral Marketing
Users can rapidly retweet posts, facilitating the swift spread of messages. This allows for quick coverage of topics and discussions, enabling users to stay updated on trend directions in real-time.
Past Clients
Otter Clam
Media Coverage
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